Multiplying Disciples Conversation Guide 1

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Why use this Guide?

Along with 12 video sessions, this Guide provides a comprehensive and practical foundation for leaders and believers to be multiplying disciple-makers. All the essentials are covered such as forming teams, the great commission task and message, Jesus’ ministry phases, Jesus as disciple-maker, the harvest cycle, Jesus equipping of the 72 disciples with His three simple steps to transition from connecting to sharing the gospel (Luke 10:8, 9), and creating a road-map for disciple-making for local churches and regions.

Who is this Guide for?

Local church leaders and ministers, mission catalysts, state and regional denominational leaders—all committed to equipping local believers and leaders as missional multiplying disciple-makers.

How to use this Guide?

This equipping can be delivered over a weekend retreat, over several weekends, or one evening a week over several weeks. It is ideal for either in-person or Zoom formats. It is modular so it enables a lot of flexibility for scheduling. The workshop host or facilitator could be a minister/pastor, a key local leader, or a regional leader seeking to foster a movement of disciple-making. In the first session participants will be asked to form groups of 3 or 4—or on Zoom, be organised into the same “breakout rooms” for the duration of the equipping.   

What resources do you need?

The host/facilitator needs to download (FREE) the Conversation Guide 1 and the videos (FREE) from here.

Each participant will need: 

  1. A printed Conversation Guide 1: Multiplying Disciples—in which to write notes and plans,
  2. A supply of Discovery Bible Reading bookmarks,
  3. Discover Jesus starter Bibles (a compilation of Mark, John and Acts), and
  4. A copy of If You Can Eat … You Can Make Disciples (Signs 2018). Participants will use their own Bibles, and most will also want to read Following Jesus (Signs 2017) and Messiah (Pacific Press 2003)—so it is a good plan for facilitators to have a supply available. All printed guides, bookmarks and books are available from the Adventist Book Centre Online (

Session 1

Welcome. The Great Commission – The Task

Ethne. The Relational Streams Approach

The Great Commision – The Message

Session 2

Making Disciples – Preparing Teams & Places

Other Teams

Places: Where You will Make Disciples

Session 3

Harvest Model – Parables and Equipping

Harvest Model – Insights

Jesus Equipping the Seventy-Two

Session 4

Making Disciples—Preparing Teams & Places

Other Teams

Places: Where You will Make Disciples

Session 5

Making Disciples—Preparing by Prayer & Connecting

Connect with Key People

Connecting with the Person-of-Peace

Session 6

Sowing Gospel Seed

Eat Their Food

Tell God’s Story

Session 7

Gospel Presentations—Telling God’s Story

Gospel Presentations: Three Circles & the Bridge

Session 8

Discovery Bible Reading

Ideas & Suggestions

Healthy Groups Multiply

Session 9

Harvest Model – Parables and Equipping

Harvest Model – Insights

Jesus Equipping the Seventy-Two

Session 10

Value Adding to Discovery Bible Reading

Introducing Elementary Teachings

Introducing Seminars & Evangelistic Teaching

Session 11

Gathering & Multiplying

Multiply—Disciples & Groups

Are You Counting Movement Numbers?

New Disciples and New Churches

Session 12

Roadmap—Evaluation & Feedback