By God’s grace and power, we will become a thriving Adventist movement, living our hope in Jesus and transforming the Pacific.
Discipleship is an invitation to a life-changing journey with Jesus. It changes who we are, how we think and what we do at home, in the workplace, at school and in the church. As disciples, we become part of a movement through which Jesus intends to change the world and prepare people for his coming Kingdom. It involves our participation as disciples and disciple-makers through the Harvest Cycle.
Find out more about this Adventist disciple-making movement in this series of videos produced by the Discipleship Ministries Team.

Discipleship Resources
Discipleship in Ministry
Discipleship Ministries form the foundation of the mission strategy for the Adventist Church in the South Pacific. The ministry of Jesus provides the message and the model for multiplying disciples, planting churches and building a movement of Kingdom living.