From small and unlikely beginnings in Jerusalem, the message of Jesus seemed to explode across the Roman world within only a few decades. It was powered by the Holy Spirit and the passion of those first men and women who had spent time with Jesus. But this remarkable success also came with self-sacrificing determination, hard work and innovative mission strategies.
The apostles planted new faith communities in pagan gentile cities. Some would stay only a few weeks or months before departing to do the same in another place. Their mission was urgent and the scope of their vision was staggering.
This book re-reads the letters of Paul to these new churches, disciples and team members. You will discover a biblical master-plan for an integrated district disciple-making model that is relevant to every culture and context.
Essential reading for making disciples in your city and neighbourhood.
Contains 16 study guides for individual or small group study.
Contact your local Adventist Book Centre to grab your own copy!