Discipleship Framework

Sharing your Story
We all have a story to tell. Your story serves as both an example and an introduction to God’s story of salvation and redemption as told in the Bible.

Sharing God’s Story
God’s story is good news. It is a story of redemption, salvation and restoration. The golden thread running through the pages of the Bible reveals not only a cosmic conflict between good and evil but the place of each individual in that controversy.

What Is Discovery Bible Reading
The Discovery Bible Reading involves a simple process of prayerfully reading aloud or together a passage of scripture and discovering Jesus’ as a group.

The Harvest Model
In the Parable of the Growing Seed Mark 4:26–29, Jesus gives us his model for multiplying disciples, planting churches and building movements of Kingdom living. The story is about a farmer sowing seeds in a field and their spontaneous growth and subsequent harvest.

The Relational Nature of Discipleship
The model of Jesus was that of the Rabbi. He came along side them. People spent time with him and learnt from his words, his example and his assignments in the context of every day life. Jesus did not run seminars. He took new disciples fishing, encouraged them to pray for more harvesters.

Roots and Fruits
we would anticipate that regular time with Jesus through prayer and Bible study would be lead indicators of personal growth. While measures of loving relationships or generous giving would follow indicators as a person changes to become more like Jesus.

Movement Building
Discipleship ministry specialists assist church administrators, department leaders, and pastors in appropriately fostering these dynamics in their church and region. The South Pacific Division promotes a change or shifts towards a greater focus on discipleship.

Biblical Foundations
Scripture is the foundation of discipleship because Jesus is at the heart of the Bible. The Bible is the handbook or manual for Christian life and mission. It reveals the message, model, and method of discipleship particularly revealed in the life of Jesus and the early Christian church.

The Harvest Cycle
The harvest model is an important framework to understand the role and purpose of Sabbath School & Personal Ministries, Discovery Bible Reading, small groups, evangelism, and community engagement.